
Monday, October 12, 2015

Stretch bracelet in 3D beading technique

Stretch bracelet in 3D beading technique

Today we will make a bracelet using the technique of 3D beading. This bracelet is very elastic, therefore it does not need a clasp. It stretches easily when being put on the arm and takes its usual shape instantly after that.
To make this bracelet we will need:
- size 8 seed beads of two colors (I used seed beads of turquoise and yellow colors);
- nylon fishing line 0.2 mm thick and two beading needles.

Take a fishing line with needles at both its ends. For a small-sized bracelet you will need a line approximately 2.5 m long. You can also start with a shorter line and as soon as it becomes too short, secure it, then take a new line, pass it through the last row of beads and continue weaving using this new segment of line.

To weave the bracelet we will use the technique of three-dimensional beading. The main idea of this beading technique is that the each row in the beadwork consists of two tiers which are situated one above the other. So, at first we make the upper tier of the 1st row, then make the lower tier of the 1st row, after that make the the upper tier of the 2nd row, next make the lower tier of the 2nd row and so on.
Now in the each single row the upper and the lower tiers are identical (but at the same time they differ from row to row).

Let’s start weaving. For the tiers of the 1st row string on the line 8 turquoise beads. Place the set of beads on the middle of the line.

Take any end of the line and cross it through 4 extreme beads from the other end of the line.

Tighten the ends of the line trying to keep the beads on the middle of the line. We’ve got two tiers of the 1st row.

2nd row:
For the upper tier string on any end of the line beads in the following order: 1 turquoise, 3 yellow and 1 turquoise.

Then cross the other end of the line through all these beads.

Tighten the line. The last set of beads has lain above the previous tier.

As I have already said, both tiers in the each single row are the same. So, for the lower tier of the 2nd row string beads on any end of the line in the same order as for the upper one: 1 turquoise, 3 yellow and 1 turquoise.

Then cross the other end of the line through all these beads.

Tighten the line. The last set of beads has lain below the upper tier of the current row.

In the same manner make all the other rows of beads.

3rd row:
For the upper tier string beads in the following sequence: 1 turquoise, 1 yellow, 2 turquoise, 1 yellow, 1 turquoise.

For the lower tier string beads in the same sequence: 1 turquoise, 1 yellow, 2 turquoise, 1 yellow, 1 turquoise.

4th row:
For the each tier string beads in the following sequence: 1 turquoise, 1 yellow, 1 turquoise, 1 yellow, 1 turquoise, 1 yellow, 1 turquoise.

5th row:
For the each tier string beads in the following sequence: 1 turquoise, 1 yellow, 2 turquoise, 1 yellow, 1 turquoise.

6th row:
For the each tier string beads in the following sequence: 1 turquoise, 3 yellow, 1 turquoise.

7th row:
Both the upper and the lower tiers are identical, each consisting of 4 turquoise beads.

The next 3 rows (from 8th till 10th) are identical, all the upper and lower tiers in those rows consist of 3 turquoise beads.

We’ve got a segment of 10 rows of beads, it is the basic segment of the bracelet.

Top view:

Side view:

Make further weaving repeating the basic segment of 10 rows as many times as it is needed to get the bracelet of the required length. I repeated it 4 more times, so my bracelet consists of 50 rows of beads.

After that connect the ends of the bracelet together. To do so, pass both needles through the upper tier of the 1st row of the bracelet (leading the each needle from an appropriate side of the tier). First, pass one needle

and then pass the other one.

Tighten both ends of the line. The ends of the bracelet have been connected together.

If you see a gap between the ends of the bracelet and want to eliminate it, pass the each needle through the upper tier of the last row of beads. First, pass one needle

and then pass the other one.

Tighten both ends of the line. The junction is almost invisible now.

Side view:

Now secure and trim the ends of the line.
The bracelet is finished!

Using the idea given in this tutorial, you can vary the color of beads as well as the quantity of beads in the rows, and thus make many bracelets with various shapes and decorative designs.

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