Today we will learn how to read and follow a beading pattern. We will make a beaded 3D pig, analyzing its beading pattern step-by-step.
We will need:
- size 8 seed beads of three colors: pink, pink-gray and black;
- wire 0.3 mm thick;
- thin nylon fishing line and a needle for cross-linking of the finished beadwork (if necessary).
First, take a look at the pattern.
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As we can see from the pattern, the rows of beads, the numbering of which is shown in the left side of the pattern, are doubled. This means that the beadwork is three-dimensional.
I remind you that the main idea of three-dimensional beading is that the each row in the beadwork consists of two tiers which are situated one above the other. So, at first we should make the upper tier of the 1st row, then make the lower tier of the 1st row, after that make the the upper tier of the 2nd row, next make the lower tier of the 2nd row and so on.
We met such a beading technique in our tutorials many times, so you can learn the basics of three-dimensional beading here and here.
For weaving the head and the body of the pig we will need a wire 170 cm long. For the ears and legs we will use additional short pieces of wire, woven into the rows of the pig’s body.
Now, take the basic wire (for the head and the body) and start weaving.
1st row:
The upper tier: 2 pink beads.
The lower tier: 2 pink beads.
2nd row:
The upper tier: 4 pink beads.
The lower tier: 3 pink beads.
3rd row:
The upper tier: 6 pink beads.
The lower tier: 5 pink beads.
4th row:
For the upper tier string the beads in the following sequence: 2 pink, 1 black, 3 pink, 1 black, 2 pink. Black beads are for the eyes of the pig here.
The lower tier: 6 pink beads.
5th row:
The upper tier: 11 pink beads.
The lower tier: 8 pink beads.
6th row:
As we can see from the pattern, there are additional wires in the upper tier which are used for making the ears. Weave these additional wires into the beadwork as follows. First, make the upper tier of the 6th row: string 12 pink beads onto any end of the wire, cross the other end of the wire through them and then slightly pull the ends of the wire but do not tighten them at the moment. Then take two additional pieces of wire of 20 cm in length each and pass them through the beads of the current tier as described beneath. The first additional piece of wire pass through all the beads of the tier, and the second additional piece of wire pass through the 6 middle beads of the current tier. After that tighten the basic wire and continue weaving on it. As I have already mentioned, we will use the additional wires for weaving the ears of the pig. You can make them right now or later, after finishing weaving the body. In our tutorial we will make the ears later.
Continue weaving the body and make the lower tier of the 6th row, consisting of 11 pink beads.
7th row:
The upper tier: 11 pink beads.
As we can see from the pattern, there is an additional wire in the lower tier that is used for making the forelegs of the pig. Weave it into the beadwork as follows. First, make the lower tier of the 7th row: string 14 pink beads onto any end of the wire, cross the other end of the wire through them and then slightly pull the ends of the wire but do not tighten them at the moment. Then take an additional piece of wire 30 cm long and pass it through the 6 middle beads of the current tier. After that tighten the basic wire and continue weaving on it. As I have already mentioned, we will use the additional wire later, for weaving the forelegs.
Continue weaving and make the 8th row of the body:
The upper tier: 10 pink beads.
The lower tier: 15 pink beads.
9th row:
The upper tier: 10 pink beads.
As we can see from the pattern, there is an additional wire in the lower tier of the 9th row that is used for making the forelegs. Make the lower tier of the current row, consisting of 16 pink beads, and after that pass an additional piece of wire 30 cm long through its 8 middle beads. As I have already mentioned, we will use the additional wire for weaving the forelegs. You can make them right now or later, after finishing the body. In our tutorial we will make the forelegs later.
Continue weaving and make the 10th row of the body:
The upper tier: 10 pink beads.
The lower tier: 16 pink beads.
11th row:
The upper tier: 10 pink beads.
The lower tier: 16 pink beads.
12th row:
The upper tier: 10 pink beads.
As we can see from the pattern, there is an additional wire in the lower tier of the 12th row that is used for making the hind legs. Make the lower tier of the current row, consisting of 16 pink beads, and after that pass an additional piece of wire 35 cm long through its 8 middle beads.
Continue weaving on the basic wire and make the 13th row of the body:
The upper tier: 10 pink beads.
The lower tier: 14 pink beads.
14th row:
The upper tier: 9 pink beads.
The lower tier: 11 pink beads.
15th row:
The upper tier: 7 pink beads.
The lower tier: 8 pink beads.
16th row:
As we can see from the pattern, there is a tail of the pig in the upper tier. So, make this tier with the tail as follows. String onto any end of the wire 9 pink beads (if the ends of the wire are of different length an this moment, choose the longer one) and, holding the last added bead, pass this end of the wire backwards through the next 5 beads. Then move all the beads of the last set close to the beadwork and pull this end of the wire tight. The last added 6 beads have formed the pig’s tail and the first 3 beads - the half of the current tier. To complete the tier, string onto the same end of the wire 3 pink beads and cross the other end of the wire through the 6 beads of the current tier, passing by the beads of the tail. Tighten the wire. We’ve got the upper tier of the 16th row with the tail.
Continue weaving and make the lower tier of the 16th row, consisting of 5 pink beads.
17th row:
As we can see from the pattern, there is only the upper tier in this row, consisting of 3 pink beads. The rest of the basic wire will be used for making hind legs of the pig. So, make the last tier and after that according to the pattern pass the ends of the wire through the lower tier of the previous (16th) row. Place the last made tier between the upper and the lower tiers of the 16th row, thus closing a gap between them.
The body of the pig is finished. Now proceed with weaving the ears and legs.
For weaving the ears use the additional wires in the upper tier of the 6th row. Straighten these wires and pull them so that they are of equal length at both sides. Since it is not indicated otherwise, both ears are identical. Make the each ear using the following pattern:
1st row: 3 pink beads.
2nd row: 2 pink beads.
3rd row: 1 pink bead.
Next, make legs. For the forelegs use the additional wires in the lower tiers of the 7th and 9th rows. For the hind legs use the additional wire in the lower tier of the 12th row and the rest of the basic wire. Straighten all the additional wires and pull them so that they are of equal length at both sides.
For weaving all the legs use the technique of three-dimensional beading.
First, make forelegs. Since it is not indicated otherwise, both forelegs are identical. Make the each foreleg using the following pattern:
1st row:
The upper tier: 2 pink beads.
The lower tier: 2 pink beads.
2nd row:
The upper tier: 2 pink beads.
The lower tier: 2 pink beads.
3rd row:
The upper tier: 2 pink beads.
The lower tier: 2 pink-gray beads.
4th row: only the upper tier - 2 pink-gray beads.
After that make hind legs. They are identical too. For the each hind leg use the following pattern:
1st row:
The upper tier: 5 pink beads.
The lower tier: 5 pink beads.
2nd row:
The upper tier: 4 pink beads.
The lower tier: 4 pink beads.
3rd row:
The upper tier: 3 pink beads.
The lower tier: 3 pink beads.
4th row:
The upper tier: 2 pink beads.
The lower tier: 2 pink-gray beads.
5th row: only the upper tier - 2 pink-gray beads.
Now fix and trim all the excess wires, if you hadn’t done so yet. Bend the tips of the wires and hide them between the rows of beads.
Weaving of the pig is finished. If there are big gaps between the rows of beads, you may need to sew the figure with a thin fishing line. To do so, use the technique of cross-linking that is described in detail here or here. You should sew only the body and the head of the pig. It is not necessary to sew the ears and legs.
My pig has came out tough enough and I didn’t sew it.
The beaded pig is finished!
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